Back pain - causes, symptoms and treatment

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Back pain - causes, symptoms and treatment

 Back pain - causes, symptoms and treatment

Back pain - causes, symptoms and treatment

The spine holds more than 30 bones together. There are also muscles, tendons, ligaments in the back. To mitigate the impact between the vertebrae, there are discs. A problem in any part of the spine can cause back pain.

For some people, back pain is just a nuisance. For others, it can be a painful phenomenon that prevents them from carrying out their daily activities.

Back pain may appear suddenly or develop gradually (it is the result of wear and tear of the spine over time). The good news is that most of the back pain - even severe or prolonged - goes away within 4 to 6 weeks.


Surgery is rarely needed and is used as a last resort.


Back pain - cause:

Most spinal diseases are caused by limited flexibility as a result of injury or stretching of the ligaments. The wrong turn of the body or the overloading of a "link" in the chain can have painful consequences not only for the spine, but also for many muscles and ligaments that connect the spine.

Other common causes are improper lifting, poor posture, lack of regular exercise, and obesity. Pain can also be the result of more serious bodily injury, such as vertebral fracture and rupture of the disc. Furthermore, arthritis and degenerative changes in the spine and certain infections occupy a high place on the list of causative agents.

Sensitivity to pain is heightened by the spinal cord - which is a major part of the central nervous system and extends throughout the spinal canal for the entire length of the spine. Peripheral nerves are also associated with the spine, so spinal pain can cause weakness and pain throughout the body.


Most low back pain is "non-specific" and is not easily treated (for an unknown cause.


Back pain can also occur as a result of stress.


Specific causes of low back pain include:

  • ankylosing spondylitis - connective tissue disease in which inflammation of the spine occurs,
  • discus hernia - deformation of the spinal disc,
  • kidney infections,
  • obesity or obesity - overload of the joints and surrounding tissues of the spine,
  • osteoarthritis - a chronic, degenerative joint disease,
  • osteomalacia - a disorder of bone mineralization,
  • osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone with consequent destruction,
  • osteoporosis,
  • Paget's bone disease (chronic skeletal disease),
  • poor body posture (posture),
  • pregnancy - overload of the spine joints and surrounding structures,
  • sacroileitis - inflammation of the joints at the junction of the pelvic bone and sacrum,
  • sciatica,
  • spinal fractures (especially in older adults),
  • twist and stretch.

Back pain - symptoms:

The pain associated with stiffness may develop slowly or may occur suddenly. These may be permanent pains or these pains may occur as a result of the body's position (coughing, sneezing, bending, rotating).

  • Sometimes pain can only occur in one place.
  • The three most common areas of localized pain are:
  • lumbago (lumbar spine).
  • coccigodinia (in the case of the cane bone).
  • sciatica (pain that extends from the back through the hip into the leg).
  • Back pain is a significant problem and one of the leading reasons for being absent from work.


Some of the symptoms that can occur as a result of back pain are: 

  • more pronounced pain in the leg than in the back when straining,
  • varying back and neck pain,
  • the feeling of tingling in the legs,
  • feeling numb,
  • muscle weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • narrowing of the field of vision,
  • headache,
  • neck and arm pain,
  • the feeling of tingling in his hands.

Back pain - treatment:

For specific pain that occurs as a result of a disease, a method of eliminating the cause, that is, of treating a disease that causes back pain, is used. Non-specific back pain is difficult to treat because of their nature, the cause is also difficult to detect.

Most often, your doctor will refer you to an X-ray for your spine to eliminate suspected disc prolapse.

In most nonspecific pain, self-help (refraining from heavy activity) is advised.

Your doctor may prescribe painkillers or corticosteroid injections in case of severe pain if the exact location of the pain can be determined.

Massage and osteopathic manipulation can produce extraordinary results. Acupuncture is also considered.

No matter what type of pain you need medical attention, you should seek help if the pain lasts longer than 6 days.

You should also seek medical attention if the pain worsens after a few days or you lose sensation in one of the limbs.


Exercise for stiff back:

This gentle exercise can alleviate back stiffness. If your back hurts in this position, do not continue exercising.

Lie on your back. Lay your left foot on your right knee and lower your left knee to the right, bending from your waist.

Extend your left hand to the left, palm facing up, and look at it. Relax in this position for one minute and repeat in the opposite direction.


How to protect your back?

Never carry a heavy bag or bag in one hand only (so one side of the back suffers especially). Distribute weight on both hands or get a backpack that you can carry on both shoulders.

When lifting a heavier load - approach it, squat and lift it upright with your knees while keeping your back as straight as possible. More than half of the back injuries were caused by improper lifting. You can consult with one of the local trainers to teach you how to do the squat properly. to teach you how to control your muscles.


Try not to bend your back while holding something heavy.

  • Sit with your back straight, and if you spend a lot of time at your computer - invest in a good ergonomic chair or kneeling chair with help reducing your back load.
  • If you suffer from frequent back pain, and especially if you wake up with neck and back pain - invest in a good mattress or mattress.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Too low shoes without a slight elevation on the heel can cause overload and back pain.

Back pain - a natural remedy

To relieve the pain of stretched muscles or sciatica, use a towel that is dipped in warm water and then squeezed.

Keep the hot towel for 2 minutes on the back, then replace it with a towel dipped in cold water for one minute. Do this alternately for about 15 minutes. This is especially helpful if the pain is caused by stretched muscles. For pain caused by inflammation, use only cold towels.

  • Rub the glycerin and tincture of cayenne pepper in equal amounts onto the skin above the sore spot.
  • Often, apply lingonberry, valerian, camomile or ginger bark wraps to your back.
  • For sciatica, rub the gentle grass oil into a painful area.
  • Arnica cream can also relieve pain if the cause of the pain is injury (brush twice a day).
  • Chiropractic and osteopathy can also help treat back pain.


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