Most Common Teeth Whitening Questions Answered - Get that Pearly White Smile!

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Most Common Teeth Whitening Questions Answered - Get that Pearly White Smile!

 Most Common Teeth Whitening Questions Answered - Get that Pearly White Smile!

Most Common Teeth Whitening Questions Answered - Get that Pearly White Smile!

There are many reasons why people want to get their teeth whitened. Maybe they just want to feel more confident when smiling at work or in public, or maybe they have stained their teeth due to coffee, tea, wine, or other foods. Whatever the case may be, here are some answers to the most common questions about teeth whitening!

What is tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening is the process of changing the color of your teeth to a whiter shade. There are many different ways to do this, including at-home methods and professional treatments done by a dentist or dental hygienist. The most common way to do this is by using an over-the-counter product, which typically contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as its active ingredient.

benefits of teeth whitening

There are many benefits of teeth whitening, including a more confident smile and more vibrant appearance. A whiter smile can help you feel more confident and provide a boost in self-esteem. And, with the process being so easy, there is no reason not to give it a try.

 Although you may think teeth whitening is just a cosmetic procedure, it is actually an important part of dental care. A whiter smile not only looks better, but studies have shown that it can help patients feel more confident and provide a boost in self-esteem. Patients who opt for teeth whitening also tend to keep up with other treatments and appointments more consistently. What are you waiting for?

What Causes Discoloration?

The most common cause of teeth discoloration is everyday wear and tear. The surface of your tooth, called the enamel, can become worn or stained over time. Other common causes of tooth discoloration include some medications, smoking and drinking coffee or tea.

 Other factors, like aging and genetics, may also play a role in your teeth discoloration. For example, some people have naturally dark teeth caused by a condition called amelogenesis imperfecta.

 When enamel wears away, your tooth may become porous and start to discolor. The same thing happens when coffee, tea or other substances cause stains on your teeth. Genetics can also play a role in how quickly you experience tooth discoloration. If your parents or grandparents had stained teeth, there’s a good chance you will too.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

A chemical is applied to the teeth in order to whiten them. The strength of the treatment varies depending on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, if you want to lighten your teeth by just one shade, then a gel-type application will be enough.

 If you want to remove more stains or lighten your teeth by a few shades, then a stronger option may be necessary. This can be done in-office and at home with bleaching trays. In either case, teeth will become whiter as long as you apply treatment consistently.

Does tooth whitening make your teeth sensitive?

One of the most common questions we hear is whether or not tooth whitening makes your teeth sensitive. And the answer? Not always. If you are taking the proper precautions, including avoiding certain foods and drinks for a few days before and after whitening your teeth, then you will be less likely to have any sensitivity during or after treatment.

The substances in teeth-whitening treatments may cause the soft dentin beneath your tooth's hard enamel to become momentarily visible. Due to the exposure, some persons may experience sensitivity from the teeth whitening product's access to the dental nerve endings.

This is not a cause for concern because it normally only lasts a few days and will go away.

How long will my teeth be white for?

The length of time your teeth will stay white depends on the type of treatment you have. For example, take-home whitening treatments will only last for a day or two, but some in-office treatments can last for months. If you want to keep your teeth white for longer periods of time, try an in-office treatment.

Your choice of tooth whitener and how you take care of your teeth in the months that follow will both affect how long your teeth will stay white. Your teeth will generally stay white for 6 to 24 months.

Avoiding smoking, caffeine, and red wine will help keep your teeth whiter for a longer period of time. For tips on how to keep your smile bright for as long as possible, consult your dentist.

What’s the difference between bleaching, stain-lifting, and whitening?

Bleaching is the process of removing stains from teeth by applying a peroxide-based gel to the tooth surface. Stain-lifting is the process of restoring color to teeth by removing or diminishing superficial stains. Whitening is the process of lightening the natural color of teeth by applying a bleaching agent to them. It can be done either in-office, such as with professional trays, or at home with over-the-counter products.

How often do I need to whiten my teeth after the first treatment?

The amount of time it takes for teeth whitening to take effect varies from person to person. In general, the more treatments you have, the better your results will be. It can take up to two weeks for teeth whitenings to take effect, so if you're looking for a quick fix we recommend trying a home whitening kit. Your teeth should maintain their brightness for at least one year after having teeth whitening. You may need touch ups every few months or year, depending on how quickly your teeth start to darken again.

To maintain this healthy glow throughout the years and avoid staining, brush your teeth twice daily with a non-alcoholic toothpaste like Crest Pro-Health Paste and visit us in our Gilbert dental office every six months for professional cleanings and exams.

What are the benefits of getting my teeth whitened in-office?

1. In-Office Teeth Whitening can be done in one sitting. 
2. In-Office Teeth Whitening is a safe and effective treatment option for busy people. 
3. In-Office Teeth Whitening can brighten your smile without the risk of sensitivity or gum recession like what you might get with at-home treatments.
4. Thorough Whitening 
5.  Reliable Treatments 
6.  Quicker Results

What’s the difference between in-office and at home treatments?

In-office whitening treatments are typically faster than at-home treatments, and provide you with a more instant result. However, in-office treatment costs can be quite expensive and may not be the best option for people who want to maintain their pearly white smile on a budget. For these individuals, at-home options such as teeth whitening strips or toothpaste may be a better fit.

 At-home whitening treatments typically take longer to achieve your desired results. For example, some whitening toothpaste and strips are designed to be worn for 30 minutes a day for several days before you’ll notice an impact on your teeth. If you’re in a hurry, at-home options may not be for you. In-office treatments provide more instant results but can also be more expensive.

What is the best homemade teeth whitener?

There are many different homemade teeth whiteners, from the old-fashioned baking soda and lemon juice to some more modern options like coconut oil. However, there are a few downsides to some of these methods. For example, baking soda can be abrasive on the tooth enamel, and lemon juice is acidic which can cause damage over time. Coconut oil may also have a strong smell and taste for those who aren’t used to it.

 To help you out, here are some of our favorite natural teeth whiteners. Many of these whiteners can be made at home using things you already have in your pantry or fridge. You may need to try a few different methods before you find one that works best for your unique dental needs. Keep in mind that while they are all effective, most are temporary and only work over a short period of time.

Do all brands of toothpaste really work to make my smile whiter?

Toothpaste is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to whiten your teeth. While some toothpastes are more effective than others, they all work to make your smile whiter. Toothpaste can help remove surface stains on your teeth caused by food and drink, but it cannot lighten the color of your tooth enamel or dentin. That's why professional whitening treatments like in-office or at-home whiteners are so popular.

How can I whiten my teeth by myself?

If you’re looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth, here are some tips: 
* Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once per day. This will remove any plaque or food particles that can contribute to discoloration. 
* Drink plenty of water throughout the day and try not to drink any sugary drinks. These items contain acids, which can stain your teeth over time.

Homemade teeth whitening recipe

Use lemon juice to whiten teeth naturally. The citric acid in lemon juice helps remove stains from your teeth, making them brighter and whiter. Simply cut a lemon in half, squeeze it into a bowl, and brush your teeth for about two minutes with the mixture. Leave it on for ten minutes after brushing it before rinsing it off with water. Repeat this process once or twice daily until you see the desired results.


- Whitening treatments are simple and painless. They can be done in your dentist’s office or at home with a kit. 
- You will see results in just one treatment, but it is recommended to get a touch up every six months. 
- You should use a whitening toothpaste for about two weeks before your appointment so that the teeth will absorb more of the peroxide gel. 
- Be sure to drink lots of water to ensure healthy teeth and gums. - If you have sensitive teeth, you may experience sensitivity after treatment. Talk to your dentist about an over-the-counter sensitivity relief remedy. 
- It is possible that your teeth may become sensitive during pregnancy or if you are taking medications like tetracycline or Advil Cold & SinusTM and ibuprofen (Advil®). Talk to your dentist if this occurs. 
- The most important thing is to brush twice a day and floss regularly.


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